EA Intro Program Discussion Guide

EA Intro Program Discussion Guide

This guide contains some general advice for facilitators of EA Virtual Programs and organizers/facilitators of EA groups on facilitating group discussions, as well as guidance on how to run discussions on each session of the Intro Program syllabus (theEA Handbook). If using this guide for the facilitators of an EA group, please make a copy and edit it to fit your group. You’ll perhaps want to add the following information: * A link to your post-fellowship survey in week 8. * Additional information relevant to your facilitators, such as links to other surveys/attendance forms you’re using, events to remind participants of, and details on who to contact if any issues arise. Distribute this document to facilitators in advance of the first session. Consider and communicate to facilitators whether you would like them to follow the week-by-week guidance relatively precisely, or whether you think it’s fine for them to change up the questions, structure, and exercises. We recommend that facilitators have some flexibility (especially since there are typically too many questions per week). More experienced facilitators should generally be encouraged to have more flexibility. In addition to this document, we recommend that new facilitators attend a facilitator training session. You can run one yourself or ask to join one run by EA Virtual Programs. Please contact Yve Nichols-Evans for more information about the latter (yve.nichols-evans@centerforeffectivealtruism.org). We hope that your cohort will:  * Learn a lot about EA, specifically the key points we’ve identified. * Have fun and feel welcome. This guide aims to help you accomplish these goals: * The first part contains some general advice on your role in the program and tips for facilitation. * The second part contains a week-by-week guide to running each session.

EA Intro Program Discussion Guide (1)

Facilitation: Advice and Tips
Facilitation: Advice and Tips
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides
Week By Week Guides