Global health and poverty fellowship

Global health and poverty fellowship

Last updated: 4th October, 2023


This is the curriculum for One for the World & EA Cambridge’s 4-week seminar programme on global poverty and health, and some possible responses to it. Extreme poverty is one of the greatest problems facing humanity, but also an extraordinarily complex and often under-discussed one. So, we’re organising this group to give students a platform to explore and discuss some of the issues surrounding it and consider what, if anything, can be done to influence it.

Each week consists of different readings (~2 hours) following a specific theme, accompanied by a group discussion on those readings. During the discussion, we’ll delve into some of the ideas from the reading in more depth, focusing on the ideas we find most interesting or thought-provoking.

Week 1: Global Poverty

Week 2: Global Health

Week 3: Morality and our role in the world

Week 4: Effective Giving