Applying for funding for you and your group

Applying for funding for you and your group

Last updated: 6th January, 2025

1. Funding for Group Expenses

a. CEA Group Support Grants

Requirements: to cover group expenses of EA Groups, including things like EA books, food and drinks at events, software, advertising costs, venue hiring, and retreat costs. Unfortunately, at this time, CEA’s Groups Team does not provide group support funding for AI safety groups.

Amount: no specific limit; usual amounts range from $2,000 to $8,000 per year

Turnaround time: Check here

Duration: Any between 1-12 months, but usually 6-12 months

b. CEA's Rapid Group Funding

Requirements: For organisers already in touch with CEA’s Groups Team that have an urgent upcoming expense

Amount: Up to $5,000

Turnaround time: Check here

Duration: for one-off events/projects, ideally within a month from the application date

2. Funding for City / National Group Organisers

a. Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (EAIF)

Requirements: Individuals who run a non-university group (e.g., city, national, or profession-based groups)

Rate: similar to Open Philanthropy's University Organiser rate (see above), but flexible depending on circumstance. Note that the EA Infrastructure Fund is currently funding-constrained.

Turnaround time: 2-3 months

Duration: 6-12 months

3. Other funding sources (e.g. for EA meta projects)

a. Meta Charity Funding Circle

Meta Charity Funders is an organisation looking to fund charitable projects that can create a huge impact by working at one level removed from direct impact. See this post on the EA forum for further information. Applications are open in batches. See here for more information.

b. For projects relating to improving the long-term future: Survival and Flourishing Fund

The Survival and Flourishing Fund makes grants to existing charities that aim to improve the long-term future. This may be applicable to EA groups, particularly city and national groups.

Still unsure?

If your funding need doesn’t fit into a category listed above, we recommend emailing or applying to the EA Infrastructure Fund.