Recurring internships and fellowships to look out for

Recurring internships and fellowships to look out for

Last updated: 4th October, 2023

1. ERA Cambridge Fellowship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The Existential Risk Alliance (ERA) Cambridge Fellowship provides aspiring researchers with an in-person, paid, 8-week summer fellowship in Cambridge to conduct research and become immersed in the community developing ways to mitigate extreme threats to humanity with a space of coworking for brainstorming ideas and mentorship related to the research project.
  • Eligibility: Anyone can apply, but they expect students (from undergraduate to postgraduates) and people early in their careers who are looking for opportunities to conduct short research projects on topics related to existential risks.
  • Stipend: There’s a stipend of GBP 4,800 and the fellowship covers travel to and from Cambridge, visas, accommodation, and food during working hours.
  • Deadlines: Deadline for applying in April 5th, the program starts on July and lasts 8 weeks.
  • Last run: July 2023 – August 2023

2. Atlas Fellowship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: An 11-day program for high school students to explore ideas and launching long-term projects with other motivated high school students. Fellows practice careful reasoning that enables them to make sense of confusing evidence, mitigate cognitive biases, and develop accurate beliefs that map onto reality, applying these analytical tools to global challenges such as global poverty, existential risks to humanity, risks from advanced AI, or the reform of economic institutions.
  • Eligibility: High school students aged 13-19 worldwide (including people on gap years). The program encourages students that worked on challenging projects, have explored intellectual topics, or did well on Olympiads or competitions.
  • Stipend: Fellows receive a USD 10,000 scholarship while the finalists receive a USD 1,000 scholarship. The former also receive a free 11-day program on topics like AI, epistemology, and personal growth on San Francisco Bay Area (including travel, visas, housing, food, and all other related expenses).
  • Deadlines: Late applications close on May 14, but the earlier the application, the better.
  • Last run: 15-26 July and 8-19 August 2023 (if there are many high-quality applications, also on November 6–17 and December 16–24)

3. ML Safety Scholars

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The Machine Learning Safety Scholars program is a paid, 9-week summer program designed to help undergraduate students gain skills in machine learning with the aim of using those skills for empirical AI safety research in the future. The course has three parts: machine learning, deep learning and ML safety. The program is fully remote and will likely take roughly 30-40 hours per week, depending on speed and prior knowledge.
  • Eligibility: designed for undergraduates who have interest in doing empirical AI safety research in the future, but the program also accepts Scholars who will be enrolled undergraduate students after the conclusion of the program. The prerequisites are differential calculus, at least one of linear algebra or introductory statistics and programming (Python).
  • Stipend: $4,500 stipend upon completion of the program
  • Deadlines: Applications end on May 31st
  • Last run: the program starts on June 20th and ends on August 19th.

4. CEA University Groups Team Summer Internship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: A paid internship program for a selected group of university group organizers to encourage and enable promising organizers to think big and provide an opportunity to test out what it is like to work part or full-time in the meta-EA space. They suggest working on your own project ideas, or work on some of these.
  • Eligibility: university group organizers who are interested in testing out community building and/or EA entrepreneurial projects as a career path, highly organized, reliable, and independent, knowledgeable of EA and eager to learn more. They look for people who have strong interpersonal skills, are skilled at prioritizing among competing goals, enjoy supporting others’ development, think carefully about core EA ideas and are clear communicators.
  • Stipend: around USD 20-30 per hour, depending on the
  • Deadlines: applications end on March 22nd
  • Last run: starts on summer (northern hemisphere) and for about 4-12 weeks depending on the scope of the project.

5. CLR Summer Research Fellowship

  • Resources: website, 2023 run description
  • Brief description: The Center on Long-Term Risk Summer Research Fellowship look for people to help explore strategies for reducing suffering in the long-term future (s-risk) and work on technical AI safety ideas related to that. For eight weeks, you will be part of CLR’s team while working on your own research project. During this time, you will be in regular contact with their researchers and other fellows. One of their researchers will serve as your guide and mentor.
  • Eligibility: People very early in their career (undergraduate or even high school) as well as people with fair amount of research experience (partly or fully-completed PhD) with a strong focus on s-risks. Curious people with ability to answer complex research questions related to long-term future, independent thinking and strong interest in one of their priority areas.
  • Stipend: £1,800 to £4,000 per month if located in London, as well as other additional benefits such as travel and visa costs for successful international applicants who need to relocate to London for the Fellowship.
  • Deadlines: Applications usually are on the first quarter of the year.
  • Last run: The fellowship begins in June or July, lasting two to three months in their office in London.

6. AGI Safety Fundamentals Program

  • Resources: website, AGISF 2023 core readings summaries (work-in-progress)
  • Brief description: The Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Safety Fundamentals Program seeks helping participants learn about important concepts in AI safety through a two-track program: technical AI alignment and AI governance. Over the course of eight weeks, you will have weekly 1.5-hour discussions with a cohort of 4-5 participants and one facilitator. Before attending each discussion, you will complete a set of readings (and sometimes a brief written exercise). After the eighth week, you will have several weeks to work on a project of your choice.
  • Eligibility: Anyone can apply. Ideally, they seek people in strong position to pursue technical alignment research in their career, such as professional software engineers and students studying technical subjects (e.g. CS/maths/physics/engineering). Participants should be able to commit at least 2 hours of readings and exercises plus a 1.5-hour discussion per week as well as attend at least 7 out of the 8 weekly discussion sessions.
  • Stipend: No stipend. The program is free and there is no application fee.
  • Deadlines: January 2023
  • Last run: the program lasts 8 weeks (February-April 2023) and it comprises 8 weeks of reading and virtual small-group discussions, followed by a 4-week capstone project

7. In-Depth Effective Altruism Virtual Program

  • Resources: website, curriculum
  • Brief description: The In-Depth EA Program helps you engage with complex effective altruism-related questions to help you figure out how you can increase your impact. Over the course of eight weeks, you’ll have weekly 1.5-hour discussions with a cohort of 4-8 participants and one facilitator. Before attending each discussion, you’ll complete a set of readings (and sometimes a brief written exercise). The first three weeks cover pre-selected content. In the following four weeks, your group will choose content to focus on based on your own interests. The last week will cover career planning, open questions, and next steps.
  • Eligibility: people who already have a good understanding of core ideas in EA, Are excited by the topics covered in the curriculum, Can commit at least 3 hours a week to readings and exercises and can attend at least 7 out of the 8 weekly discussion sessions.
  • Stipend: No stipend. The program is free.
  • Deadlines: Applications by August 20th
  • Last run: 8 weeks, current run is from September 4th to October 29th.

8. Pivotal Research Fellowship (previous CHERI)

  • Resources: website, interest form
  • Brief description: 9-week program with a strong set of mentors and research managers, focusing on risks from emerging technologies.
  • Eligibility: Anyone passionate about a career in global catastrophic risk (with the ability to live in London for the duration of the fellowship).
  • Stipend: $5,000 stipend, travel and accommodation support, LISA coworking space, and free lunch and dinner from Monday to Friday.
  • Deadlines: Applications closed
  • Last run: July 1 - August 30, 2024

9. HLI Summer Research Fellowship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The fellowship provides students and recent graduates with the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience and receive personal mentoring from their research team. Fellows will spend most of their time working independently but will be supported with weekly calls with a supervising member of HLI’s research team, weekly 1-1s with other fellows and access to the HLI Slack community. This fellowship is remote.
  • Eligibility: People who are studying for an undergraduate, masters, or doctoral degree in a relevant discipline such as economics, philosophy, or psychology. Recent graduates and early-career professionals are also welcome to apply. They also receive applications from people outside academia too, particularly those who are looking to test their fit in a research role, and especially encourage people from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds.
  • Stipend: Fellows will be paid $500 a week ($3,500 in total) for the seven-week fellowship period.
  • Deadlines: 20th March, 2022.
  • Last run: The fellowship is full-time (35 hours a week) and runs for seven weeks from 11 July to 25 August (special accommodations can be requested).

10. PIBBSS Summer Research Fellowship

  • Resources: website, expression of interest form
  • Brief description: The Principles of Intelligent Behavior in Biological and Social Systems (PIBBSS) summer research fellowship is designed for researchers studying complex and intelligent behavior in natural and social systems who are motivated by the mission of making AI systems safe and aligned. Fellows are expected to work from their local residency in Prague during the summer from 15th of July until the end of August. Outside of the residency (June and first half of July) fellows are free to work remotely, or from the venue where their mentor is located.
  • Eligibility: who it's open for (i.e., skill requirements)
  • Stipend: Fellows will receive a stipend of 3,000 USD/month and are expected to work full-time on their projects over the course of the fellowship, though in rare cases exceptions may be possible. They will support fellows' travel and accommodation costs related to the fellowship, within reason. They also provide invitation letters and documents for visas.
  • Deadlines: Feb 5th, 2023
  • Last run:Between June and August 2023

11. Open Philanthropy Global Health and Wellbeing Summer Internships

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The research internship will help to investigate important questions and causes. We see the internship as a way to grow our capacity, develop promising research talent, and expand the recruiting pipeline for full-time roles down the line. Most projects will take the form of “opinionated, short research briefs” – synthesizing expert opinion, academic research, and prior views to get to a bottom line on an important question or promising area.
  • Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in degree programs (or people whose work offers externship/secondment opportunities). They expect applicants to have a background in social science (including, but not limited to, having or working towards a master’s or PhD in a social science topic), comfort with quantitative approaches and methods, and experience in topics that are core to the GHW approach, such as economic development/growth, public health, scientific research, etc. The internship is fully remote.
  • Stipend: $1,900 per week.
  • Deadlines: February 26, 2023.
  • Last run: The internship runs from June 5 to August 11-25 (with limited adjustments based on academic calendars)

12. GovAIs Summer/Winter Fellowship

  • Resources: website, expression of interest form
  • Brief description: Summer and Winter Fellowships provide an opportunity for early-career individuals to spend three months working on an AI governance research project, learning about the field, and making connections with other researchers and practitioners. Fellows join GovAI to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, with mentorship from leading experts in the field of AI governance. Fellows will also join a series of Q&A sessions with AI governance experts, research seminars, and researcher work-in-progress meetings. Each Fellow will be paired with a primary mentor from the GovAI team and a secondary mentor (typically from our affiliate and alumni network) with relevant interests and expertise. This is intended to be a full-time and in-person role, based in Oxford, UK. However, they will also consider exceptional candidates who are only able to join for a shorter length of time or engage in part-time or remote work.
  • Eligibility: Given the multidisciplinary nature of the work, they are interested in candidates from a broad set of disciplines including political science, public policy, history, economics, sociology, law, philosophy, and computer science. There are no specific educational requirements for the role, although they expect that the most promising candidates will typically have relevant graduate study or research experience in related areas. They look for candidates with the following strengths: quality of work, relevant expertise, judgement, and team fit.
  • Stipend: Fellows will receive a stipend of £9,000, plus support for travelling to Oxford. While in Oxford, we provide our Fellows with lunch on weekdays and a desk in our office
  • Deadlines: July 23rd, 2023 (winter).
  • Last run: Summer and Winter Fellowships last for three months (Northern hemisphere winter: from February to April).

13. MATS (ML Alignment & Theory Scholars)

  • Resources: website, application form
  • Brief description: The ML Alignment & Theory Scholars (MATS) Program is an independent research and educational seminar program that connects talented scholars with top mentors in the fields of AI alignment, interpretability, and governance. For 10 weeks, MATS scholars will conduct research while also attending talks, workshops, and networking events with other members of the Berkeley alignment research community.
  • Eligibility: The ideal candidate has an understanding of the AI Alignment research landscape (equivalent to completing the AI Safety Fundamentals Alignment Course), previous experience with technical research (ideally at the postgraduate level), and strong motivation to pursue a career in AI alignment research.
  • Stipend: MATS itself cannot provide any funding; however, AI Safety Support has offered to provide a stipend totalling USD 12k for completing the program. Scholars who additionally complete Neel Nanda’s 4-week Training Program are expected to receive the prorated amount of USD 4.8k for time spent. Scholars who are working <40 hr/wk and/or <10 wk will be prorated for their hours.
  • Deadlines: September 27 for Winter 2024-25 stream
  • Last run: Winter 2023-24

14. SPAR (Supervised Program for Alignment Research)

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: SPAR is a virtual, part-time, volunteer research program designed to give early career individuals and professionals an opportunity to work on a AI safety project for 3 months. There is an average time commitment of 5 to 20 hours per week for mentees and 2-10 hours per week for mentors.
  • Eligibility: By default, candidates will be required to have a technical background or governance knowledge. Some projects may require additional background knowledge related to AI Safety/Alignment, and, depending on the project, prior research experience requirement may vary.
  • Stipend: There’s no stipend, it’s a volunteer research program.
  • Deadlines: Application for current round has closed (Interest form here)
  • Last run: currently running (Summer 2024, Northern Hemisphere)

15. CLR (Center on Long-Term Risk)’s S-risk Intro Fellowship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: Intended for effective altruists to learn more about which s-risks we consider most important and how to reduce them.
  • Eligibility: useful if you are interested in s-risks and are at least seriously considering making this cause a priority for your career; and you have not interacted extensively with CLR (staff) yet, e.g., you have talked with them for less than 10h.
  • Stipend: none
  • Deadlines: Applications for the next fellowship will likely take place in the last quarter of 2024, but applications haven't opened yet. To be notified when, sign up to CLR’s mailing list by adding your email in the footer of their website.

16. Horizon Fellowship

  • Resources: website, application link
  • Brief description: Horizon Fellowship places fully-funded fellows at host organizations to help tackle policy challenges related to artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and other emerging technologies.
  • Eligibility: All fellows must be eligible to work in the United States and willing to live in the Washington, DC area for the duration of their placement. The Horizon Institute for Public Service is not able to sponsor US employment visas for fellows; US permanent residents (green card holders) are eligible to apply, but fellows who are not US citizens may be ineligible for placements that require a security clearance. International students on an F-1 visa may be eligible for the think tank track during their first year of post-graduation OPT (They cannot accommodate STEM OPT).
  • Stipend: Fellows receive a $105,000/year living stipend and junior fellows receive $70,000/year. Both also have access to more than $20,000 worth of benefits such as health care funds and professional development stipends. Increases may be considered on the basis of need.
  • Deadlines: For the 2025 cohort, applications are open until August 30.
  • Last run: 2024

17. Tarbell fellowship

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: ​The Tarbell Fellowship is a one-year programme for early-career journalists interested in covering emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence. Fellows secure a 9-month placement at a major newsroom, participate in a study group covering AI governance & technical fundamentals, and attend a 2 week journalism summit in Oxford.
  • Eligibility: It’s designed to support those early in their journalism career, i.e. with 0-5 years relevant experience. They also welcome applications from mid-career professionals hoping to transition to a career in journalism. You may still apply if you have 5+ years of journalism experience, however you are somewhat less likely to be accepted.
  • Stipend: $50,000
  • Deadlines: Applications open annually in September.
  • Last run: 2023

18. AI Futures Fellowship - ITAM

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The AI Futures Fellowship offers early-career individuals an eight-week program at ITAM in Mexico City, focusing on advanced AI questions. Participants will engage with a diverse community of AI researchers from prestigious institutions like Harvard, Oxford, and OpenAI. Fellows will work on a project with a mentor, tailored to their interests, and typically produce a research report. The program includes weekly meetings, seminars, and Q&As with leading AI experts, providing valuable feedback and collaboration opportunities
  • Eligibility: Early-career individuals and students worldwide, primarily at the late undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., and postdoctoral levels, though exceptional candidates are also welcome. Ideal candidates will have strong self-directed research abilities, excellent written communication, and critical-thinking skills.
  • Stipend: $8,000 USD, round-trip flights to Mexico city, coworking space in La Condesa.
  • Deadlines: Currently closed
  • Last run: October 2024

19. Institute for AI Policy and Strategy

  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: The IAPS AI Policy Fellowship is a paid, remote-first program where participants will learn about AI policy from experts, build research skills, and contribute to securing benefits and managing risks from advanced AI systems.
  • Eligibility: Anyone can apply to the fellowship.
  • Stipend: $15,000
  • Deadlines: currently closed
  • Last run: 2023


  • Resources: website
  • Brief description: ARENA provides talented individuals with the skills, tools, and environment necessary for upskilling in ML engineering, for the purpose of contributing directly to AI alignment in technical roles.
  • Eligibility: Care about AIS, relatively strong math skills, strong coders, experience coding in Python, ability to travel to London for 4-5 weeks. Open to students and graduates.
  • Stipend: ARENA will cover all reasonable travel expenses and visa assistance. Accommodation, meals, drinks, and snacks will also be included.
  • Deadlines: currently closed
  • Last run: September 2024

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