Last updated: 4th October, 2023
1. How to use this page
We think that lots of the things on the list below are useful for lots of people who are reasonably new to EA. However, we're aware that everyone has different experience and needs, so we don't want to say that you have to do everything below. Instead, we think you should view it as a (roughly) in order list of steps that people interested in EA can take to develop and learn.
2. The checklist
Things to do
Introductory fellowship / reading an introductory text.
Sign up to things on this page: things we recommend you sign up to.
Read at least 10 non-community posts on the EA forum, write at least 5 comments.
Attend an EAG/EAGx conference.
Think about your career.
Apply for career advising.
- 80,000 hours (our recommendation).
- Probably good (an alternative).
- Successif (For mid to late career).
Write a career plan document.
Think about the next steps you can take. Make them concrete and time-bound.
Share with EAs you know for feedback.
Go through these resources and check different opportunities:
Check “Collections” for additional lists of skill-building and career development opportunities.
Complete a secondary fellowship: see our post-intro fellowship: syllabi and programs page for ideas.
Read the sections that seem relevant to you in this section of the EA Handbook.
Consider EA topics/research for theses and dissertations. Effective Thesis helps students choose impactful thesis topics and build research careers.